PhD Forskare
Leal Oburoglu PhD, forskare vid Lunds University Cancer Centre (LUCC), the Division of Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy erhåller årets stipendium om SEK 50,000 från Cathrines forskningsstiftelse för projektet:
Metabolic control of cell fate decisions during hematopoietic stem cell emergence
Stamcellstransplantation är fn det enda botemedel mot många genetiska eller maligna sjukdomar. Detta har dock en del begränsningar. Dessa problem kan övervinnas om och när en teknik för att producera hematopoietiska stamceller från patienthärledda inducerade pluripotenta stamceller blir tillgänglig. I denna ansökan föreslås att man tittar på denna fråga. Detta kan erbjuda en spännande och lovande ny behandlingsmetod för patienter med livshotande sjukdomar.
Metabolic control of cell fate decisions during hematopoietic stem cell emergence.
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is the sole cure for many genetic or malignant diseases. Currently, the cells used for HSCT can either come from adult bone marrow donations or umbilical cord blood (UCB) samples. While both sources are extremely valuable for treating over 80 types of diseases, they also have their limitations.
These problems can be overcome if and when a technique to produce Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in vitro from patient-derived induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) becomes available. To date, it has not been possible to obtain functional HSCs with self-renewal capacity and multilineage potential from iPSCs. In this application, it is proposed to look at this issue from a new angle, by investigating the genetic determinants which modulate metabolic pathways during the emergence of HSCs. The HSCs derived from iPSCs in a metabolically controlled environment could offer an exciting and promising new treatment modality for patients with life-threatening diseases.
The project meets the foundation’s purpose of promoting medical scientific research and development concerning cancer, not least to promote such medical scientific research which is intended to facilitate the development of new medical treatment methods, for promotion of human health.